HOP Ubiquitous, S.L. (HOPU) is a SME established in Spain. HOP means Human Oriented Products; therefore we are specialized in designing solutions focused on people engagement with a high level of usability. In particular, HOPU solutions are focused on Smart Cities covering from multiple sensing capabilities to also the interaction with the people using innovative approaches such as ibeacon and Physical Web. All these sensors are offered in the different versions of the called Smart Spot (http://smartcities.hopu.eu/ smart-spot.html). HOPU offers customization for the encapsulation into final products, design, and development of ad-hoc applications and firmware. Thereby, HOPU enables a wide range of capabilities through IoT devices with the Internet and cloud computing integration.
HOP Ubiquitous SL – HOPU
HOP Ubiquitous, Calle Luis Buñuel, 6 30562 Ceutí, Murcia, Spain.
Website : https://www.hopu.eu
Email: info@hopu.eu
Telephone: +34 968 97 89 58
Fax: +34 627 228 126
Project’s code:
2018-1-DK01-KA202-047095This web site was realised in the project
“Innovative Tourism – Collecting Cultural Heritage Through Intergenerational Walks”in the framework of the European programme “Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices” and “Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training”. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.